Deforestation plagues the country

Deforestation plagues the country

The government’s forest moratorium has not been able prevent Albania’s deforestation problem.

In Elbasan, the problem has been echoed by the Chief Inspector of Environment, Enver Shkurti, who says that violations have been identified and the administrative measures during the last year have been in the value of 40 million Lekë.

“We have seen the cutting of trees. The last year, we identified several cases in violation of the law, where these measures have been taken,” said Shkurti.

Forest fires remain a constant problem as well. Just during this year were recorded 32 fireplaces that damaged about 1800 hectares of land.

“This year, we are in an unusual situation, because fires have already started to appear at such an early time. This has not happened before, that in the period spanning the months of February and March, forest fires are becoming ignited.” said Shkurti.

A study by the European Forest Research Foundation lists Albania among the countries with the least forested areas, constituting only about 28% of Albania's entire territory.